Highlands East Volunteer Fire Dept. Station 3


The Station 3 Volunteer Fire Department has been in operation since 1965. And over the years has been served by many of the men and women in Gooderham.

Station 3 currently has over a dozen dedicated volunteers responding to fires, motor vehicle collisions and medical calls, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Station 3 is also supported by the Gooderham Fire & Rescue Auxiliary, which consists of fire fighter spouses and members of the community.

All volunteers have First Responders Training and are required to attend regular Medical Training and re-certification.

Training that Station 3 members have include: Officers 101 Course, Incident Command, Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator, Trainer Facilitator, Vehicle Extrication, Recruit Course at Eastern Ontario Fire Academy, Traffic Control, Defibrillator Training and re-certification every 3 months.
Station 3 Fire Department’s Fleet includes 301 Pumper Truck, 302 Tanker Truck, 303 Emergency Response Truck, 304 Emergency Response Extrication Sled, 305 Emergency Response All –Terrain Vehicle, 306 Snowmobile.

The summer of 2009 the Gooderham Volunteer Fire Fighters Association held numerous fundraising BBQ’s and held a successful raffle draw to raise money to purchase Vehicle Extrication Equipment. The Association gave themselves a projected deadline of 2 years to raise the $18,000.00 needed to purchase these tools. With the help of community donations and the proceeds from their fundraising efforts, the money was raised that summer and by Fall the equipment was purchased and put into service.

In 2010 the volunteers held another successful BBQ as well as their ever-popular Fire Fighter’s Great Canadian Breakfast and raised enough money to purchase Scene Lighting to compliment the Vehicle Extrication Equipment.

For more information: highlandseast.ca/services/firerescue