Gooderham Pentecostal Church


According to the records of The Late Gordon Barr, the first Pentecostal Church was originally a house that had been built by Lorne Hunter in 1914. I have been told that the 109th Battalion trained here as well as in the Orange Hall.

The Pentecostal Church was very active in the community and stories are still told of the revival meetings which used to be held on the street and at the fairgrounds by visiting pastors. By all accounts, these revival meetings were well attended.

Louis Mintz was “a faithful pastor of the Pentecostal Mission for over 30 years”. The late Gordon Barr wrote: “Louis Mintz was one of our most respected local men…” It has also been said, “If ever there was a Christian man, it was Louis Mintz.” Mr. Mintz died on January 19, 1958.

Shortly after Mr. Mintz’s death the congregation built the Church which stands today at #1042 Mill St. When the new Church was built, the top storey of the old church was removed and taken to #11218 County Road 503 where Ken and Rosealeen MacDuff still live. Some of the Pastors who have served at the new church, not necessarily in chronological order, are: Tom Thompson, Ron Campbell, Glen Pitts, his brother Chris Pitts, David Gagnon, Roger Sauvé, Eldon Switzer, Bob Vernon, Brian Williamson, Steve Warr, Patrick Steele and Doug Willoughby; Lorne Trimbull is the current Pastor along with Pianist Carolyn Trimble.

The Gooderham Quilters, started by Marjorie Billings and Priscilla Mintz many years ago, meet each Thursday in the basement of the Pentecostal Church where they work diligently at piecing, quilting and binding quilts, some of which are sold and some of which are given to needy families. They also present a baby quilt to the family of each newborn in the congregation.


Join us for Sunday service at 11am.